SWINDON 105.5 provides inclusive and accessible facilities and training opportunities. Thousands of individuals of all ages and abilities have come to our studios since we launched in 2008.

Placements for School, College and University Students
Duration: one week to a year.
Tailored to meet individual needs and interests, giving practical experience over an agreed number of hours across the week.
Work Placements
We provide 6-week placements through the Department of Work and Pensions.
Interested individuals can talk to their Work Coaches about opportunities to add practical experience to CVs. Support is given in interview skills as required. A Certificate Of Achievement is provided at the end of your time with us.
These are currently generally held on Saturdays, with opportunities to sit in with Presenters on live shows, to add to your experience.
For Individuals:
Introduction To Radio courses
Duration: 6 or 10 initial sessions.
Gain practical introduction and insight into planning, recording, editing and broadcasting. No previous experience necessary - or update your skills.
Media Savvy Courses
For Community Groups, Parish Councils, Voluntary Organisations.
Duration: Half day. Full Day. Over two sessions. We fit in with your needs and availability.
Learn to promote your group and service effectively and confidently, using the various forms of media, writing a press release, responding to requests for interviews from a radio station, confidently taking part in an interview. Tailored to your needs.
Med Savvy For Businesses
Duration: Half-day or One-day sessions.
A great team-builder, too!
You know how to run your business. Make the most out of using the media? Be pro-active in using Radio and the wider media. Learn some great tips.
CALL: SWINDON (01793) 611555
VISIT our Liden (east Swindon) based Studios
A warm welcome always awaits...